Contrary to popular myth, autistic individuals are capable of deep emotional expression, intense emotions, and having strong, meaningful relationships with those on and off the spectrum.

In her session, Love & Autism speaker Elaine Hall will shatter these myths and discuss ways to create trust and foster relationships through shared positive emotional experiences. She will show video clips of students from her award winning program, The Miracle Project, finding their voice, discovering their passion, accepting and loving their own ‘quirks.’ The presentation will examine how to build a foundation of Self Love, Self acceptance and Self Appreciation. Elaine will be joined by three members of her Miracle Project group, Coby, Tristen and Domonique who will be preforming a musical presentation on Sunday before her talk. 






Don’t miss Elaine and her group on Sunday, October 1st, 2017 at the Love & Autism conference in San Diego, California! Go here to register.

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