Love & Autism

Details about upcoming and past Love & Autism events.

A Recap of ‘An Evening with Ezra’

Because of you, an ‘Evening with Ezra’ got it Right! Beauty, intentional imbalance, thoughtful accessibility, and human connections meant unmasked and authentic experiences for all of us. This was our night together. This is Love & Autism. We set out to push the...

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Love & Autism Event Intro: Practicing Self Compassion

Love & Autism Event Intro: Practicing Self Compassion

Think about the last time you made a mistake. For many, this isn’t a comfortable thing to do. For many, making a mistake is accompanied by self-judgement. A critical voice in our head that calls us names and berates us for our failings. When we make mistakes, fall, or...

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2018 Love & Autism Conference

2018 Love & Autism Conference

If you attended the Love & Autism conference and want to tell us about your experience or submit pictures or video, do it here! The Social Buzz Share your story of the 2018 Love & Autism Conference right here!

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Love & Autism Events are Here!

Love & Autism Events are Here!

Learn about the neurodiversity movement and how it supports the development of healthy autistic identities with Morénike Giwa Onaiwu and Love & Autism.

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2018 Love & Autism Conference

What has Changed at Love & Autism 2018?

After every conference we gather to discuss what went well, acknowledge the misses, and engage in discussion about the ways next year’s conference can be better. Growth is highly valued in a conference put together by a group of clinicians. We recognize that risks, although hard, can lead to new beginnings and a richer experience.

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Get to know our Love & Autism 2018 speakers!

Get to know our Love & Autism 2018 speakers!

Each year I have the privilege of inviting individuals who support the value and intentions of Love & Autism means. This year each of our speakers embody what it means to embrace the power of authenticity.

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5 Ways Love & Autism Has Changed Me

5 Ways Love & Autism Has Changed Me

Autistic rights are a human rights. Autistic rights are not just a charity cause to make those in the neuro-majority feel good for ‘helping out some kids’. All of us, together, need to care about the rights of autistic people.

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Love and Autism: Fact or Fiction

Love and Autism: Fact or Fiction

Remember that continuing to rise up and being brave enough to share your story is an act of courage and a sign of resilience. You are never alone. Your peers, willing to fight with you, can be found at Love & Autism.

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Join Dr. Jenny Palmiotto in a Discussion about Love & Autism

Join Dr. Jenny Palmiotto in a Discussion about Love & Autism

Who doesn't love a blend of good stories, especially when they incorporate those whose brains operate just a bit differently — and for those of us who know and love them? We invite you to join us for our conversation, "Kids & Books & Love & Autism," where...

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