This story was submitted by Mark Brown

My name is Mark Brown, I was diagnosed as ‘on the spectrum’ about three or four years ago. I am nearing 60 years old and only found out about autism and high functioning guys like me a few years ago.

At first I wasn’t ready to share my story but I attended L&A a couple of years ago and found it very moving, and that gave me some more insight into my struggles. Like a lot of autism stories, there are happy and sad moments and long stretches of just coping in between. My stretch lasted about 30 years, and it continues today.

The best way to tell my story is to introduce my outside first. Professional websites like LinkedIn tell a good story about my professional side. Check out my profile (Mark Heber Brown) on LinkedIn. The rest of my story is best told by meeting me in person and the people in my life whom I share it with the most. Marilyn, my wife, has probably had the hardest time and then my two adult daughters Katie and Alyssa. Most of my close friends find it surprising that I am autistic and there in lies all of the misconceptions and lack of awareness about autistic people like myself.

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